Årskurs 4-6
Föregående tips Nästa tipsLost – descriptive writing
Eleverna bygger upp en trovärdig historia med person- och miljöbeskrivningar, samt en tydlig och händelserik dramaturgi. Eleverna får i inledande övningar till varje moment lära sig hur de berättartekniskt går till väga för att skriva en fängslande berättelse, bland annat genom att använda bildspråk. Projektet resulterar i en egen berättelse.
Lärarna reflekterar
Eleverna tyckte att projektet var jätteroligt och resultatet talar för sig självt. Det blev mycket välskrivna och bra berättelser!
Berättelsen byggs upp steg-för-steg där varje del innehåller något specifikt som eleverna tränar på innan de skriver i ”skarpt läge”. Projektet är indelat i lessons och finns i sin helhet i PDF-filen längst ned.
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Desciptive writing – Lord of the flies
Lesson 3: Notification of a missing person
Lesson 4: Mr Froggy is missing – and so are you!
Lesson 5: Descriptive writing – similes and metaphores
Lesson 6: Let’s practise similes, metaphors and personification
Lesson 7: Desciptive writing – day 2
Lesson 8: Let’s practise – how to write a dialogue
Lesson 9-11: Building up the tension
Lesson 12-17: The end of the story
Example lesson 8 – How to write a dialogue
The aim of this assignment is to be able to describe – in a dialogue – a person’s emotions, thoughts and feelings.
- How do you think these people feel?
- What are their thoughts?
- What do you think they say?

It is early morning day 3. After a sleepless night your parents are devastated, tired and annoyed. They are sitting at the breakfast table trying to have breakfast, but they can’t eat. One of the parent is apathetic (feeling or showing little or no emotions) and the other one is hysterical. Describe what they are doing or not doing, both through what they are saying but also a description of how they are acting. What do they look like?
Assignment: Write a dialogue between worried parents
Start writing from the part when the parents meet at the breakfast table and the dialogue ends with one of the parents leaving. The dialogue should focus on what has happened, what the parents can/should do and about the information that has been given to them by the police so far (they are searching for the kids and they have found traces in the forest).
Remember what you learnt about dialogues the other day. You can write a dialogue in two ways, both of the following are okay, just make sure that you are not mixing the both ways in one text. You are not allowed to use the words apathetic and hysterical.
Total amount of words: 500. Time: two lessons.
Example 1
“How can you just sit there without doing anything”, Sandra hissed as she was holding out both hands to her husband.” “I…” , was the only thing her husband said before he once again fell dormant. He wasn’t there. It was just his body sitting there and the woman continued to walk across the floor.