Årskurs 7-9
The Unsolved Mystery Project
Eleverna ska lära sig mer om olösta mysterium. Eleverna utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa och förstå, sammanställa information, presentera ett mysterium, ställa frågor, lyssna och förstå.
Läraren reflekterar om upplägget
Detta arbetsområde har jag testat i en nia och det blev väldigt lyckat. Eleverna delas in i ”expertgrupper” där de tillsammans hjälps åt att lära sig mer om ett mysterium och sammanställa information i en presentation. Därefter delas klassen in i ett antal grupper där en expert från varje grupp ingår. På detta sätt får alla ta del av alla mysterier.

Metod: Upplägg och instruktioner till eleverna
In this unit you will get the opportunity to explore and investigate an unsolved mystery. You will first go off into expert groups where you will gather and organize information about the mystery you have been assigned. Then you will create an interesting Google Slide presentation and hold an oral presentation in your groups about your unsolved mystery.
Project Assignment
- You are responsible for researching, planning and presenting an unsolved mystery.
- Watch your episode of “Buzzfeed: Unsolved mysteries or Explore with us
- You will include pictures and interesting information during your presentation. Explain the mystery in as much detail as you can! Also include your own theories about your unexplained mystery. What do you guys think happened?
- You have to make your presentation interesting and engaging. Remember to use “hooks”, questions, quotes, pictures and statements to get your audience interested.
- Your group presentation must be at least between 7 to 10 minutes long and everyone in the group must be active and talk during the presentation.
The different unsolved mysteries
- Dyatlov pass
- The Mary Celeste ghost ship
- The Sodder children
- Voynich Manuscript
- The Tromp family
- Yuba county 5
- Elisa Lam
- The Watcher House
- DB Cooper
- The Zodiac killer
- The black dahlia
- Jack the ripper
How to use the English language?
This video gives you some help with how to use the English language when talking about unsolved mysteries!
Time left?
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