Årskurs 7-9


Music – Different stories


Ett projekt där vi lyssnar på musik och går igenom texterna, analyserar och diskuterar innehåll. Eleverna väljer även egen låt som presenteras i skrift. Eleverna tränar på att tolka och förstå en sångtext, samt uttrycka åsikter, tankar och funderingar.


Den individuella uppgiften föregås av tre parvisa. Om eleverna inledningsvis behöver stöd kan den första av dessa såklart genomföras i helklass. Då får de en struktur både över hur en analys kan gå till och hur den sammanställs.


We listen to a few songs and work to understand, analyze and interpret the meaning of the lyrics. After that you choose a song that means something to you and write about it. Objectives:

  • listen to music
  • learn some new words and expressions
  • discuss in pairs
  • write summaries on your own

Part 1 – In pairs

There are three songs given to you: “Hero of war”, “Dear Mr. President” and “I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair”. Together you:

  • read the lyrics
  • make sure you understand
  • learn new words
  • watch video
  • discuss questions

Individually write down your own summary of your discussions of each song. Give your document the title “Music”.

Hero of war – Rise Against

The lyrics and the video. Questions:

  • Who is the “he” in the song?
  • A white flag signals…what?
  • What about the title of the song – Hero of war – is it a suitable title?
  • Is there any irony in the song? If you think so – what is it?
  • What does the song want to say?
  • Is war ever justified?
  • In your own opinion – what does it take to be a hero? Can a soldier who has killed many people ever be a hero?

Words to learn: commands, gun, baton, bullets, haze, shells, soaked, dust.

Dear Mr President – Pink

The lyrics and the video. Questions:

  • What is the critique of the song? Find at least three things and express them in your own words.
  • Which president is Pink criticizing?
  • What kinds of social injustice does Pink take up in the song?
  • “you’ve come a long way from whiskey and cocaine” – what is meant by this?

Words to learn: pretend, pave, head held high, wage, cardboard box.

I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair – Sandi Thom

The lyrics and the video. Questions:

  • What does it mean that “media couldn’t buy your soul”?
  • What does Thom say about people playing football?
  • Why do you think Thom wants to be something that can’t be anymore?
  • What is ironic about the title of the song? (what kind of revolution is she singing about)
  • Where is the record shop today?
  • Discuss the phrase “and ignorance could still be bliss”. What do you think the singer means by this?

Words to learn: head of state, accountant, remained, ignorance, bliss, anarchy, hand-me-downs.

Part 2 – Individually

Pick out one song that you like or that means a lot to you. Bring it to the next lesson and make sure you can listen to it (with headphones). Open your “Music document” on pages and write title of song and singer. Write a summary in your own words what the lyrics are about. Write down why the song means a lot to you.

Once you are done with your text; check it through, ask your teacher if you are unsure of anything! Publish the text.

Lgr22 Syfte

Utveckla förståelse av engelska i tal och skrift.
Förståelse av kulturella och sociala förhållanden i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Centralt innehåll

Sånger och dikter.


Eleven lyssnar samt förstår och tolkar på ett välgrundat och nyanserat sätt såväl helhet som detaljer i talat språk i måttligt tempo och i olika sammanhang. Eleven läser samt förstår och tolkar på ett välgrundat och nyanserat sätt såväl helhet som detaljer i lättillgängliga texter av olika slag. Eleven väljer och värderar innehåll i muntliga och skriftliga källor av olika slag samt använder på ett relevant och effektivt sätt det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.


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